WHAT IS ENERGY Energy is the ability to do some work, all things need energy to move. Energy can be stored. ELECTRICAL ENERGY like when the light bulbre give light HEAT ENERG Y like when fire gives heat. MUSCULAR ENERGY is when you move your body. SOLAR ENERGY is the energy that come from the sun. HYDEL ENERGY is when the water moves something with them own force. WIND ENERGY the big fans gives elctrical energy.
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ENERGY TYPES OF ENERGY Energy can be find in a number of forms,when you eat the body breacks the food and gives energy to your body. Energy can be find in the sunlight in form of heay and light and in night the street light gives electrical energy. KINECTIC & POTENTIAL ENERGY Kinectic and Potential energy are the main types of energy. Kinectic energy is the energy that is in motion like the air around you that's kinectic energy. Potencial energy is the energy store by the objects that are not moving such as a book or a cellphone that is laying in the table still. UNIVERSAL ENERGY CONVERSATION ACT The unversal energy conversation act stable: Energy can neither be destroyed nor created but it can transform from one form of Energy to another Just like potencial energy transform into Kinectic energy MECANICAL ENERGY If an object have Potencial and Kinectic Energy at the same time it's Mechanical energy. A masive demoli...